£24,000 every single day

Imagine you were given £24,000 every single day.

And at the end of the day it disappeared.

You couldn't get it back.

You couldn't bank that money and save it for later.

You had to spend it that very day.

How would you use the money?


Now, think about time.

Imagine you were given 24 hours every single day.

And at the end of the day it disappeared.

You couldn't get it back.

You couldn't bank those hours up and save them for later.

You had to spend them that very day.

How do you use your time?


Time is the most valuable resource we have.

It's finite.

We can't get more of it.

When it's gone it's gone.


But we can be intentional about how we choose to use it.

Rather than running on auto-pilot, we can decide on purpose what we want to spend our precious time on.

Life doesn't happen to us.

Our calendars don't magically fill up.

People don't put meetings in our diaries. We choose to accept them.

We say yes to things.

We decide what we spend our time on. No-one else.

We create the life we have now.

No one else creates it for us.


Now, imagine you're at the end of your life looking back.

Will you be happy with how you spent your time?

Or will you wish you'd lived a little differently?

Worried less about what people thought about you and instead backed yourself more?

Followed your dreams more?


The great new is there's still time.

Time to change how you use your time.

Starting right now.

How could you be more intentional with your time today?


Have an awesomely intentional day whatever you do!

Hazel and Luke

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