How to Have Your Own Back

What would your life be like if you totally had your own back? ⁠

If you were your number one fan and cheerleader?

If, no matter what you did, or how things turned out, or who said what, you were kind to yourself?⁠

What would be different in your life if you said to yourself "you're amazing!" or "well done, you're doing the best you can!"?⁠

Instead of "I can't believe I did that" or "I'm so stupid" or "I knew it would never work out"?⁠

Sometimes when we stop and really think about how we speak to ourselves, we couldn't imagine saying those words to someone else. ⁠

And yet we say these things to ourselves. And we believe them.⁠

I used to do this a lot. Be so self critical, so hard on myself. I'd say the most horrible things to myself. I'd get into negative thought loops for days at a time.⁠

I used to think that if I was hard on myself, it would motivate me to try harder.⁠

But the truth is, that logic just doesn't work. When I was hard on myself, I'd doubt myself more. I'd become less confident, less motivated. Less happy.⁠

I now know that it's when we're compassionate and kind to ourselves we understand that we're just a human here on this planet doing the best we can. That’s when we start to trust ourselves and have our own back. ⁠

And that's when we can do incredible things in the world.⁠

I'm done with being stuck in negative thought loops like I used to be. When my brain automatically jumps to the negatives - to everything I didn't do right, to all the reasons I'm terrible at whatever it is I'm doing - I pause and say "I'm doing the best I know how in this moment. I'm learning. I've got this".⁠

Being aware of your thinking - especially how you think about yourself - is one of the most powerful things you can do.⁠

How can you be a little bit kinder to yourself today?

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