How to Overcome Self Doubt

Self doubt is our brain's way of keeping us "safe". When we feel self doubt, we simply don't take action. ⁠

We stay where we are. Where it's comfortable. Where we know what it's like (even if we deep down want to change it). ⁠

Maybe it's staying in a job that feels unfulfilling, but familiar. Maybe it's not working on that book you've always dreamed of, because you're not sure you can do it.⁠

Self doubt keeps us treading water. Which isn't ultimately what we want, but it feels safer to our brains than the unknown. ⁠

But what if instead of turning away from self doubt, you embraced it?⁠

What if you thought of self doubt as a sign that you're doing it right? One that means you're stepping out of the familiar into new territory where you can grow and learn and flourish? ⁠

When self doubt comes up for me, I say to it "oh hello self doubt there you are, I see you - ok let's do this!" ⁠

I find it really helpful is to imagine myself at the end of my life looking back and ask myself - will I have let my whole life be ruled by self doubt, where I never knew what I was truly capable of? ⁠

Or will I have just embraced the self doubt and done it anyways?⁠

What would you do? 

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