Questions to Transform Your Life

In past winters (yup - darker mornings, often rain) I’ve sometimes struggled to get the motivation to pull on my running shoes and put in the hours on the trails, even though I know they’ll make the spring runs faster and more fun. 

When it’s grey and wet outside, my brain always tries to pull me towards doing the easy thing, the instant reward - essentially anything but getting cold and wet - even though I’ve never regretted going for a run in my life, in any condition.

It's sometimes meant I’ve been vastly underprepared for ultra races and other events, limping over the finish line, mind and body broken, and much slower than my overly-optimistic calculations have led me to believe.

Leading to, all in all, a few fairly painful and unenjoyable experiences.

But this year I tried something new.⁠

I committed to accepting, but then shutting down those unhelpful thoughts, with one simple question: ⁠

What would a great ultra runner do?’

Asking myself this one simple question has changed so much. ⁠

It changed my belief from just ‘being someone who runs ultras’ to committing to ‘being an ultra runner.’⁠

And it’s made me accountable to myself.⁠

Would that person give in to a bit of cold? Nope.⁠

Would they knowingly under prepare for a race? Hell, no.⁠

Would they make excuses for not getting out there? No way!

Now whenever I feel unmotivated, I repeat that question over until I get to what I know is the correct answer.⁠

I go through the part of my mind that wants instant gratification through comforts, and thinks less of the benefits that outweigh any discomfort - benefits that begin with the very first step.

Asking similar questions has permeated into other areas of my life, too, leading to better sleeping, eating and planning. ⁠

Want to be a good manager: ask ‘what would a great manager do?⁠

Trying to give up smoking: ask ‘what would a non-smoker do?⁠’

Trying to eat healthier: ask ‘what would a healthy person do?’

What one question could you ask yourself now to help get you to where you want to be...?

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