Why We Avoid Failure

Why we avoid failing...and therefore avoid doing.

Everything we do or don't do in life is because we want the feeling associated with the doing or not doing. 
And so, we don't want to fail because we don't want to feel the way that failing can make us feel.⁠ ⁠⁠
Disappointment, ⁠sad, embarrassed, frustrated, hopeless.⁠⁠

So, really, it’s not failing we dislike, it's our reaction to failing.⁠ 
When planning a South Pole solo expedition, the fear of failure was one of the biggest hurdles I had to overcome.⁠
To make it happen, I had to try to work through the question ‘what if I fail?’ on a regular basis.

My mind tried trying everything to avoid exposing me to that feeling - so much so that it almost stopped me from even trying. 

I knew, I had to create something more powering. 

The only person that has the power to decide not to make that mean something is ourself. 

We get to decide if we want to make it mean something that hurts us, or look upon it differently. ⁠⁠

How could you look upon that feeling of failure differently?

And What will you make it mean from this moment on?

The choice is yours. 

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