Be the CEO of your own life

Do you trust yourself to get done what you said you would?

Do you know deep down that if you said you'd do it, you'll get it done? No matter what?

Or is the reality a little bit different than that?

Maybe the reality is going back on commitments you've made to yourself, just to please others.

Maybe it's seeing something come up on your calendar and not doing it. 

Maybe it's believing your brain when it offers you the thought "this email is actually more important", "I'll do that later" or "just another cup of tea" (this is a favourite of my brain!).


Those thoughts sound so innocent, right?

No big deal?


But every time we don't do what we said we would, we chip away at our self respect.

We say to ourselves that we don't matter.

That other people are more important.

We continue to put off our dreams and wants.

While prioritising other people's.

We stay small.

That is one of the reasons why so many people don't plan.

Because they don't believe they'll follow the plan anyways.

They don't trust themselves.

To do what they said they'd do.


But doing what you planned and honouring your commitment to yourself is one of the most important things you can do.

And here's why.

Every time you do what you say you're going to do, you build trust with yourself. You have your own back.

You think more highly of yourself. You treat yourself better.

The more you trust yourself, the bigger goals you can achieve.

The more you can shift your own belief in what's possible for you.

You create evidence for your brain that you're someone who commits.


Imagine there was a meeting in your calendar with a CEO.

I'm guessing you'd most likely attend.

You wouldn't run late.

You wouldn't just not turn up.

You'd respect that person's time.

So when it comes to your own time, your own dreams, your own goals, why are you not respecting them?

Why are you prioritising others over yourself?


If you want to create the life you want, start by building trust in yourself.

Start by letting yourself know that you matter.

That what you want is important.

That YOU are important.

Start showing up as the CEO of your life.

When you make a commitment to do something, do it.


And just know that your brain will always offer reasons why it doesn't want to. 

Why something else is more important.

But you don't have to listen to it.

You can say, "thank you brain, I hear you, but not right now."

Then do the thing anyways.


Because when you consistently do what you said you'd do, the excuses your brain throws at you get less and less intense.

And they get less and less frequent.

They get quieter.

And it becomes so much easier to show up and do it.

You start to realise your own importance. And your own brilliance.

And when you fill yourself up, when you trust yourself and take care of yourself, THEN you can truly help others.

Not from a place of people pleasing, resentment, frustration or scarcity.

But from a place of abundance.

Because you have more to give when you take care of you.


And besides, just think how amazing you'll feel after it's done!

Now, go do what you said you'd do.

Take ownership, and be the CEO of your life.

You've got this :)


P.S. Ready to finally feel in control of your life? To know that you'll do what you said you'll do? It's all down to your mindset. If you're ready to do the work, book a free call to find out more about how coaching can help. This is the most important (and rewarding!) work you'll ever do.

P.P.S. The newest series of Ramblings is out now on BBC Radio 4 and we had a wonderful walk and chat in the Pentland Hills with the brilliant Clare Balding (straight from presenting the Olympics!).

You can listen to the episode here - enjoy!

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