Change your experience of time

How do you experience time? Do you wish you had more of it?

It's easy to think that time is something "out there" and out of our control, something that we can have more, or less, of.

But the truth is, how we experience time is all down to our thoughts about it.

How we think about time creates our experience of time.

Just sit with that for a second.


If you're thinking, "whaaat?", let me give you an example.

When we think there's not enough time, we usually feel overwhelmed, which might cause us to spin in our heads, avoid doing what we want to get done and procrastinate. 

And so by procrastinating and not doing what we wanted to get done, we create less time to now do it. And we create less time to do other things in our life.

We create not enough time, simply because of our thought: there's not enough time.

Whatever we think, we prove true.


What if, instead, you thought there was plenty of time?

From that place, you'll feel more calm and focused. And you won't procrastinate and avoid getting the thing done.

And so you create plenty of time. Plenty of time to do the things you want to do. 


So be onto your brain when it tries to tell you there's not enough time. 

Ask yourself instead, how do I want to think about time in this moment? How is there plenty of time?

Have an amazing day ahead!

There really is plenty of time :)

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