Change your life in a single moment

Do you find yourself putting off making decisions?

"I'll decide later"

"I'll wait until things are less busy, then I'll think about it"

These sneaky thoughts sound so simple and innocent, yet they're some of the biggest dream stealers.

Our brains love to throw them at us. They love us to delay making decisions.

They trick us into thinking there's a "perfect" time to make a decision. And that it's always "later".



Because when you put off making decisions, you don't have to do things you've never done before.

You don't have to risk failure, rejection, uncertainty. You don't have to feel uncomfortable. 

You get to stay safe. You get to stay exactly where you are.

Doing what you've always done. 

Having the same, familiar life. 

Even if this isn't, ultimately, what you want.


And every time you delay making a decision, indecisions swirl around in your mind.

"Oh yeah, I need to decide what I'm going to do"

"I wonder what I should do"

They take up so much mental energy that could instead be focused on moving you to where you want to go.

Moving you to the life you want.


There's so much power in making a decision.

So much energy that flows from it.

When you make a decision, you take responsibility for what you want.

You don't wait for it to come to you, but go and get it.

When you make a decision, you build momentum in the direction you want to go.

And your life will grow bigger and brighter than you could have ever hoped.

You can change your entire life in a single moment. 

With a single decision.


Yes, it's scary. Yes, your brain will throw at your all the reasons you should put it off.

But you don't need to listen to your brain.

What decisions have you been putting off?

Make them.

And feel the energy and momentum they create in your life.

The life you've always wanted is only a decision away.

P.S. to become a decision-making ninja, the first step is understanding how you make decisions. And it's always down to your mindset. If you're a teeny tiny bit curious about how mindset coaching can help you, but have been putting off making the decision to find out, let's chat! Understanding your own mind and using it to create what you want will set the foundation for the rest of your life. This stuff works!

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