Getting more done won't make you less busy

You might think that when you get those emails sent and this project out of the way, then you’ll be less busy.

But getting more done won’t make you less busy.

Because busyness can never be solved by doing more.


Doing more creates more to do.

Every single task you spend time on creates more follow-on tasks.

Like when you reply to every single email, you get replies to those emails.

And now you have more emails to reply to.

Work creates work.


The only way to be less busy is to do less.

To spend your time only on THE most important things.

Which feels really, really uncomfortable to do.

Because it requires coming to terms with the fact that you can’t do everything.

That there will always be infinitely more to do than you could ever possibly get done.


And so you’ll make tough decisions about how to spend your time.

You'll say no - a lot.

Often to requests that sound like “good opportunities”.

(These are usually the sneaky ones - they seem fun but end up being a distraction from what’s truly important to make more impact in your business).


Making these tough decisions and getting comfortable saying no is worth it.

Because when you focus your brain on only the most important things and say no to everything else, you create a more focused business.

You’ll no longer be spreading you and your team thinly over lots of smaller projects than you can barely keep up with.

Instead, you'll be spending your valuable thinking power and time on only the most impactful ones.


And here's what will happen when you say no and do less:

Your days will feel simpler. You'll no longer be drowning in work. Or jumping from Zoom call to Zoom call, 3 minutes late for each one trying to remember what the purpose of the meeting is.

You’ll feel focused and present. You won't be checking emails while half-listening to the meeting, hoping no one calls your name.

And you’ll think better. No longer thinking about the business during the evenings when you're tired, because you've had 8 hours of meetings during the day.


You’ll be less busy AND make more impact.


So next time you look at what’s on your to-do list, instead of thinking “how will I get this all done?” 

Ask: “what’s the most important?” 

And remember that doing more will never make you less busy. 

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