How to have more freedom in your life

Do you wish you had more freedom in your life? ⁠

There's a simple way to get it: plan.⁠

I know what you're thinking, "but that feels restrictive", "I'm a creative person", "I like to be free to do whatever I want in the moment", "planning sounds boring."⁠

Oftentimes we think that not planning enables us to have more freedom.⁠

But what I want to offer is that the opposite is true.⁠

The more you plan your day and your life, the more freedom you have.⁠

When you take time to plan, you decide on purpose what you want to spend your time on.⁠

You carve out time to focus on the important things and start creating incredible results. You cut out the noise and say no to things that don't take you in the direction you want to go.⁠

When you plan in advance, you'll have a lightness in each moment.⁠

You'll no longer be thinking "what do I want to be doing now?" ⁠

You'll no longer have this noise chatter in your brain of constantly making decisions in the moment about what you want to be spending your time on.⁠

You'll no longer be scanning your to-do list for something to do. ⁠

When you plan in advance, you'll know exactly what you want to do in each moment.⁠

Because you've already decided.⁠

Ahead of time.⁠

When you plan in advance, you'll start creating unbelievable results. You'll get so much more done than you ever imagined.⁠

And so your free time will truly be free time.⁠

You'll have already done what you wanted to do, and so you'll no longer have snippets of to-do lists running through your head. ⁠

You'll no longer be thinking "I should be doing X right now..."⁠

X will already be done.⁠

And so instead, you'll be fully present. ⁠

And you'll have freedom. To do what you want.⁠

So plan your week and your life. Be intentional. ⁠

And enjoy the freedom that comes with it.⁠


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