I don't know how to do it...

‘I don’t know how to do it’.

Seven words to stop our goals and dreams.

Before they've had a chance. 

But, if you’re trying something new, it’s probably true. 

You don't know how to do it.

But the ONLY reason you don’t know how...

is because you haven’t done it yet. 

And this doesn't mean you’ll never know. 

Or that you don’t know where to start.

I had no idea how to kayak and cycle the length of Alaska with Hazel.

And just thinking about the scale of the logistics, alone, felt overwhelming.

Which wasn't going to get us there.

I needed to think differently. 

So I started to see this goal as one big puzzle.

Which I knew I wouldn’t get right first-time. 

But a puzzle I could piece together. 

Often shifting or changing tack.

Every move a small experiment.

But always committing to picking up a new piece.

Our brains trick us into staying safe.

By telling us we don’t know how, so we don’t know what to do.

But you ALWAYS know where to start.

Just empty out the pieces of your puzzle.

And put the first piece down. 

Then try another.

And another.

One of the first pieces of our puzzle was emailing some fairly amused, confused and totally amazing Alaskan fishermen to ask about a boat ride down to the border. 

What will the first piece of your puzzle be?

- Reaching out to someone who might help?

- Registering your new business?

- Sending in that course application?

The most important thing is to take the puzzle out the box. 

And take it off the shelf.

Because there are often things we wish we’d started sooner, but few we wish we’d started later. 

- Luke

Certified Time & Mindset Coach, International Speaker, RSGS Explorer

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