Setting a Direction for Your Mind

If left unsupervised, our mind doesn’t really have a reason to go in the direction we might want to go in.

It usually works best when it has guidance and structure with deliberate concentration. 
The act of goal-setting alters the structure of our brain so that we perceive and behave in ways that will cause us to achieve those goals.⁠⁠
Your amygdala (the emotions bit) evaluates how important it is to you. ⁠⁠
Your frontal lobe (the problem solving bit) looks at the specifics of what’s required.⁠
These then combine to keep you focused and moving forward. ⁠
Your brain's neuroplasticity (which allows it to change, grow, learn) then optimises your mind in pursuit of that goal. Your brain then learns how all of this works and gets better and better at it over time.
Research shows:⁠⁠
The more ambitious goals > 
the better your brain structures the goal > ⁠
the more ongoing, sustainable motivation you'll have >⁠ the higher chance of success⁠!⁠
Pretty amazing - and all from the power of our very own minds.

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