There's no such thing as a perfectionist

I used to be a perfectionist.

Or so I thought...


I’d tell people “well, you know, I’m just a bit of a perfectionist”

As if that would justify why I’d leave things to the last minute.

Why I’d be tweaking every last slide up until the meeting.

Making graphs the “right” colour, aligning diagrams.

Polishing, adjusting, more polishing.


I thought I had great attention to detail.

But I never paused to question what that actually created for me in my life.


I’d put things off until the “perfect” time to do them, then rush around in a panic getting things finished.

I’d spend hours picking the “right” word, that no one else would notice.

I'd create so much unnecessary stress and anxiety for myself.

Life was just not that much fun.


Coaching helped me realise that I wasn’t a perfectionist.

Instead, I was a human.

Who was afraid.


Afraid of what others thought of me.

Afraid that I’d be judged if I didn’t meet my own unrealistic expectations.

Afraid that I’d fail.

Afraid that I’d look stupid.


My fear kept me stuck for so many years.

It kept me wasting time on things that didn’t matter.

Worrying about what others thought of me.

Not taking action.

Not moving forward.


And the craziest thing?

I had full control over my fear.

Because it was all in my mind.

I just didn’t know then what I know now.


Now, I create more than I’ve ever created in my life.

My life is bigger than I could have ever imagined.

Because I’m willing to make things “good enough” and get them out into the world.


I’m willing for people to judge me.

(Let’s be honest, humans judge!)


I’m willing to go all in on failing.

(Because that’s how I grow and do things I’ve never done before)


I’m willing to make mistakes.

(Because I’m a human trying new things)


As a result, I'm working towards the biggest goals I’ve ever set in my life.

I’m showing up in a way I never have before.

I’m doing things I’d never dreamed possible.


I can help you get there too.

If it’s possible for me, it’s 100% possible for you.


The secret?

To understand your mind and harness it to help you.

You are ready for this.

And I can show you how.

It’s the most rewarding and exciting work you’ll ever do.

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