Who are you being in your business?

You have everything you need to create balance in your life.

To scale your business and its impact in the world...

...without burning yourself out.


To help more people, to change behaviours, to take action on the climate crisis…

...without working harder.

Because working harder doesn’t create more impact.

Working longer hours doesn’t change the world.

Working smarter does.


Working smarter means understanding your mind and how it’s getting in your way.

And then using your mind to help you on your journey.

Let me give you an example.


Maybe you think you should be involved in all areas of your business, so you can feel more in control. 

In case you miss something important. To make sure someone doesn’t do something “wrong”.


And so you stay involved in every part of your growing business.

And as the business grows, you let your working days grow longer.

You work evenings. Opening up your laptop again after dinner.

You work weekends. Getting “on top of things” before the week ahead.


You love the buzz and adrenaline, but wonder how sustainable this is. 

You often start the week a little bit more tired than the week before.

As your business grows, the more time you’re spending on areas where you’re not using your strategic knowledge.

The more time you spend not being the CEO.


Instead, you’re an employee.

You’re down in the weeds, doing admin tasks.  

Doing it yourself as you convince yourself it will be quicker.

But at what cost?


You quickly become the bottleneck in your business.

You become the limiting factor in how much impact your business can make in the world.

All because you believed your brain when it suggested you need to stay involved in every part of the business to feel in control.


But your brain’s reasoning is flawed here. 

Because things outside of us can’t make us feel in control.

How many meetings we have, how many proposals we review, how much work we decide to do ourselves - none of it can make us feel in control.

There will always be another call to have, another thing to review.


And so if we’re relying on doing these things to feel in control, we end up hustling and firefighting. 

We keep taking things on, working longer and longer hours. Constantly seeking this elusive feeling of being in control, which may never come.


Here’s the secret though: you can feel in control at any time.

Yup, no matter what is going on externally - you can still feel in control.


Because every emotion we feel (e.g. in control) is driven by a thought we believe. 

And a thought is just a sentence in our brain.


So you can decide right now to believe “I’m in control” or “I have everything I need right now in this moment” - sit with that a second - how does it feel? 

No matter what’s happening in your business - you can always come back to that feeling.

You don’t need an email or meeting to feel that way.


And from that feeling of control, then you can make decisions about how you want to run your business. 

And how best to use your strategic knowledge.

You can delegate effectively, freeing up your precious time to focus on growing the impact of the business.

And freeing up your time to have balance and freedom in your life.

Isn’t that a reason why you became an entrepreneur in the first place?


With coaching, you’ll understand all these tricks your mind throws at you.

We’ll help you scale your impact without working longer hours, all by helping you manage your mind.

We’ll help you master The Model - a simple and effective five-step process that breaks down any problem, so you too can see what your mind is creating.


You have everything you need to create the balance you desire.

We’ll show you step by step how to get there.

You just need to make that commitment to yourself.

You are ready.

Are you in?

Ready to create at least 8 hours more in your week, every week?

Just click below to get our FREE Time & Mindset Training.