Your brain wants you to be overwhelmed

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, one thing that can be really helpful is this:

To understand why your brain might be wanting you to be overwhelmed.

(Bear with me…!)


You see, our brains have evolved to keep us safe.

And part of this means keeping us safe from perceived “danger” - like failing or being judged - and therefore possibly being kicked out of the “tribe.”


So when your brain offers you thoughts that cause you to feel overwhelmed (like “there’s so much to do”) - this is great news for your brain because you’re not taking action.

You’re not putting yourself out there and risking rejection or negative comments. 

You’re just spinning.

Watching videos on YouTube. 

Scrolling the news.


And when you’re not taking action you get to stay safe.

(According to your brain).


Simply knowing this can often help you move through overwhelm.

So when you’re feeling overwhelmed you can say “thanks brain, I know you’re trying to keep me safe, but I’m ok” and have compassion for yourself.


Which will help you move forward and continue to take action.

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